Monday, January 25, 2010

This weeks comic.

This is old. I am not sure how old. Yeah, that old. My friend Joel rescued it from it's seemingly inexorable journey from the table to the busboy's bus tub, to the trash. Some random sketch made at a restaurant, more than likely to make Joel laugh. I'd say...1997? Wow.

The weird face thing in the background is due to my, at the time, recent discovery of the work of Francis Bacon.

As you can see, my tendency to 'head for the hills' when looking for comedy was well in place back then. I don't know what caused it. I suspect that watching 'Hee-Haw' on a regular basis as a young child has some small part to do with it. And my obsession, around the same age, with 'The Dukes of Hazzard'.

Is that a bit of proto-Burt and Randy?

More archeology next week. I'll post some of the early 'strips'. Working on a rather lengthy piece right now that has remained unfinished for several years. Taking my time to be careful. Not sure how I want to finish it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Burt and Randy comic version 2

Another version of the 'Drinkin' comic. I did these while working on a larger piece that was also a Burt and Randy story. I was trying to pin down how I wanted the characters to look. I was trying for the 'bigfoot' style. I hadn't really played with that style before. I used a thinner line for this rough. As such I decided that it would be an interesting thing to give it color instead of a wash. I like the big flat areas of color easily done in photoshop. Fun to play with.

Next week will be a different comic.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Burt and Randy

Burt and Randy : Drinkin'
By D. Spearman
Sorry the text is crap. This is just a first draft that I later decided to apply a wash to.

Comic a week.

I am going to try this. One comic a week. I have some saved up, so I'll be able to cheat a bit. I also, may redo some from time to time.

A recurring duo that go by the name of 'Burt and Randy' will likely be the most prominent feature.